If your internet has begun to act up or not seem to work as well as it once did, you will naturally be looking for a cause. Before you begin browsing the latest Spectrum compatible modems, you need to ask yourself: when was the last time that you updated your modem’s drivers?

  1. ASUS RT-N56U/N65U/N14U/N11P/AC51U/AC54U/AC1200HP custom firmware - andy-padavan/rt-n56u.
  2. Nov 16, 2019 Computer Modem drivers and updates with links to manufacturers download pages.

Modem drivers are essential in allowing the operatingsystem to work properly and, just as technology continually changes, you needto be sure that your modem’s drivers are keeping up with the times. Here’s howyou can update your modem drivers in Windows 10.

Download modem drivers or install DriverPack Solution software for driver scan and update. 12d1:14dc Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E33372 LTE/UMTS/GSM HiLink Modem/Networkcard, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E353/E3131 (Mass storage mode) - gist. Hum, I wonder if this modem driver will work: Software & Driver Downloads - MobileAction. John // Samsung Galaxy SIII. Jdeg, Oct 2, 2007 #10. Snowbat New Member.

Whatis a Driver?

Let’s take a quick look at what a modem driver is. Amodem works by gathering data from your system and transmitting the data overtelephone lines, fiber optic cables, or cable lines in order to deliver thedata to another modem.

The driver itself is a piece of code that tells thedata transfer to happen. The information is coded in between modems and unencryptedat the receiving modem.

WhyUpdate Drivers?

Drivers need to be kept updated because of how much and how quickly technology changes. Drivers can include updates that correct any mishaps in code previously written, as well as helping keep your network safe from any new threats that could be headed your way. Updating your driver allows it to take in new information about any threats or malware that could be headed your way.

Updatingyour Modem Driver

In order to update your modem driver in Windows 10, tomake sure that is using the latest technology, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the Start button on the lowerleft-hand corner.
  2. Scroll down to Settings and click on it.
  3. Under settings, go to the Devices link.
  4. Here you should see Phone/Modem options.
  5. Select your modem and then the Drivertab.
  6. Click on Update Driver Software
  7. There should then be an update wizard tohelp walk you through the full updating process.

Alternatively, if you want to be certain that yourmodem has received all of its driver updates, you can go to the modem’s websiteand see what the latest update was and whether you already have it. You shouldalso reboot the computer in order to make sure the new driver has succeeded.



Once in a while, a modem driver might not be workingwell itself. If you downloaded a new driver, recently updated your operatingsystem, or if your driver isn’t working with new software provided by your ISP,then you might need to review your modem driver.

In the case that you just downloaded a new driver andit is not working correctly, the driver might have been corrupted or damagedduring the download, but it could also be an indication of malware on yourcomputer. In any of these cases, the safest course of action is to re-installthe modem driver. You can do that by following the steps that we listed outabove.

When all else fails, it is time to contact themanufacturer for your modem and do some troubleshooting with their customer serviceas well. They should be able to walk through it with you and figure out what isreally going on.

usb_modeswitch: control the mode of 'multi-state' USB devices

Command to display usb_modeswitch manual in Linux: $ man 1 usb_modeswitch


usb_modeswitch - control the mode of 'multi-state' USB devices


usb_modeswitch [-heWQDIvpVPmM23rwKdHSOBGTNALnsRiuagft] [-c filename]


Several new USB devices have their proprietary Windows drivers onboard,most of them WWAN and WLAN dongles. When plugged in for the first time,they act like a flash storage and start installing the Windows driver fromthere. If the driver is installed, it makes the storage device disappearand a new device, mainly composite (e.g. with modem ports), shows up.

On Linux, in most cases the drivers are available as kernel modules,such as 'usbserial' or 'option'. However, the device initially binds to'usb-storage' by default. usb_modeswitch can then send a provided bulkmessage (most likely a mass storage command) to the device; this messagehas to be determined by analyzing the actions of the Windows driver.

In some cases, USB control commands are used for switching. These cases arehandled by custom functions, and no bulk message needs to be provided.

Usually, the program is distributed with a set of configurations for manyknown devices, which allows a fully automatic handling of a device uponinsertion, made possible by combining usb_modeswitch with the wrapper scriptusb_modeswitch_dispatcher which is launched by the udev daemon. Thisrequires a Linux-flavoured system though.

Note that usb_modeswitch itself has no specific Linux dependencies.

Drivers Mobileaction Modems For Comcast


This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax,with long options starting with two dashes ('--'). A summary ofoptions is included below.

-n. One 'Message' can be added with -Mthat will be transmitted after the eject sequence. Used by many modems
Just detach the current driver. This is sufficient for some earlydevices to switch successfully. Otherwise this feature canbe used as a 'scalpel' for special cases, like separating thedriver from individual interfaces
Send a special control message used by older Huawei devices
Send a specific bulk message used by all newer Huawei devices
Send an alternative bulk message to Huawei devices
Send a special control message used by Sierra devices
Send a special control message used by GCT chipsets
Send a special control message used by Kobil devices
Send a special control message used by Sequans chipset
Send a special control message used by the MobileAction device
Send a special control message used by Qisda devices
Send a special control message used by Quanta devices
-F--pantech-mode NUM
Send a special control message used by Pantech devices.Value NUM will be used in control message as 'wValue'
Send a special control message used by some newer Blackberry devices
Send a special control message used by all Option devices
Apply a special sequence used by Sony Ericsson devices. Implies option --check-success
Send a sequence of bulk messages used by Cisco devices
Send a USB reset command to the device. Can be combined with any switchingmethod or stand alone. It is always done as the last step of all deviceinteractions.Few devices need it to complete the switching; apart from that it may beuseful during testing
-c--config-file FILENAME
Use a specific config file. If any ID or switching options are given ascommand line parameters, this option is ignored.In that case all mandatory parameters have to be provided onthe command line
-f--long-config STRING
Provide device details in config file syntax as a multiline stringon the command line
Read the device details in config file syntax from standard input, e.g. redirected froma command pipe (multiline text)
Don't show progress or error messages
Print all settings before running and show libusb debug messages
Changes the behaviour of the program slightly. A success message including theeffective target device ID is put out and a syslog notice is issued. Mainly forintegration with a wrapper script
-s--check-success NUM
After switching, keep checking for the result up to max. NUM seconds. If target IDsor target class were provided, their appearance indicates certain success. Otherwisethe disconnection of the original device is rated as likely proof
Obsolete. Formerly obtained SCSI attributes, now ignored
-i--interface NUM
Select initial USB interface (default: 0). Only for testing purposes
-u--configuration NUM
Select USB configuration (applied after any other possible switching actions)
-a--altsetting NUM
Select alternative USB interface setting (applied after switching). Mainlyfor testing


This manual page was originally written by Didier Raboud (didier [at] raboud.com) forthe Debian system. Additions made by Josua Dietze. Permission isgranted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document underthe terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or anylater version published by the Free Software Foundation.

The complete text of the current GNU General PublicLicense can be found in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt

Pages related to usb_modeswitch

Drivers Mobileaction Modems Compatible

  • usb_modeswitch_dispatcher (1) - Linux wrapper for usb_modeswitch (not intended for direct invocation)
  • usb-devices (1) - print USB device details
  • usbguard-applet-qt (1) - USBGuard Qt applet
  • usbguard (1) - USBGuard command-line interface
  • usbmuxd (1) - Expose a socket to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices.
  • usbredirserver (1) - exporting an USB device for use from another (virtual) machine
  • use-devel-checklib (1) - a script to package Devel::CheckLib with your code.
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